I felt that as it's my first draft I should be the one reflecting on it and telling myself my opinion on it and how I could improve it! First off after looking at my magazine from a distance I can instantly tell I forgot to add a bar code! And also I could add the new scan called a QR code. Also I feel there should be a few more sell lines which introduce articles which are within the magazine. Also one major thing which I forgot was the website,price and issue number, these are vital information which are needed on a front cover, without them there would be a loss of information and readers will become confused when they look for it when there about to purchase it. Maybe if I play around with the layout of the sell lines and badge, it will give me more room to put sell lines on the wrong and overall make the front cover look more professional.

This is my special edition front cover which I created, however I wanted to go for the simple look, saying this now looking at the front cover I think it needs a bit more information such as the website, price and issue number/date as this is vital for any magazine. Also I feel there should be something which clearly states that this magazine is special edition, maybe some boxed text.

The first thing I think about when I look at my contents page is non professional and unrealistic. First of all I don't like what I did with the colour photo and gave it less opacity secondly I don't like that I tried to include to main photos, makes the page confusing. I don't know which one to look at as a main image. Also the information part of the contents page doesn't really illustrate what sections of the magazine parts are from, I should use sub-heading for my next contents page. Also I should maybe try add some other pictures instead of two main ones maybe one big and three small? Also I should remove the pull quote as this is a contents page not a double page spread, I know I was trying to link the photo to the article but instead I should replace it with a number next to the image.

For the this double page I instantly can tell the the photo doesn't suit a introduction to an article double page spread, I need to use a photo with less attitude. Also I change the layout of the Antonia and the rest of the sub-headings maybe one under the other. Also for the new photo which I chose I should edit it a bit to make the photo look nice because sometimes there could be marks/scratches on the models skin which could be distracting.

For this double page I feel that I should put the text closer together, there is too much space in between the texts, also the photos layout isn't appealing, it just seems like I crammed lots of photo on a page and added text. However I really like the way I added gold on to parts of the text which are questions, there easily seen . Lastly there are no pull quotes, nothing which will pull the reader in and the photo seems too happy for a article double page spread as this is the page where it holds all the information. I should use a photo where she is posing.
For my last double page spread I really should add at least some text with a square behind it to stand out, I don't want to change the colour of the font as that can be confusing and distracting for the readers. I really feel the the behind the scenes is a really good idea and the photo used for this page is brilliant and represents classic R&B.